Testing Accommodations
Students with disabilities may be eligible for testing accommodations. Testing accommodations are changes to the regular testing environment and auxiliary aids and services that allow individuals with disabilities to demonstrate their true aptitude or achievement level on standardized exams or other high-stakes tests. If you are interested in testing accommodations please discuss options during your initial meeting with a DRC Staff member.
Important Testing Policies
1. Schedule Exam in DRC Online at least 3 business days before the exam.
Testing time must be on the same day and time as the class is taking the test. Any change must be approved in advance by DRC and/or your instructor.
Schedule by:
Monday for a Thursday exam
Tuesday for a Friday exam
Wednesday for a Monday exam
Thursday for a Tuesday exam
Friday for a Wednesday exam
*FINALS WEEK: During Fall and Spring semesters only, DRC monitors final exams in two sessions: 9 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Students must take final exams during the session/day that overlaps with the majority of the in-class final. Only extenuating circumstances are considered for alternative testing sessions. DRC and instructor approval is required and must be established in advance.
2. Be on time! Your late arrival to an exam can impact your extended time. The room you are scheduled for may be scheduled for another student after your scheduled testing time. If you are more than 10 minutes late for your test you may not be allowed to test at the scheduled time. If you need to reschedule please let us know as soon as possible.
Following DRC policies for testing will allow administration of exams to go as smoothly as possible. For any questions regarding these policies, please call the front desk at 970-351-2289.
Instructors may submit exams by uploading to DRC Online, email to drc@rf518.com, fax 1-4166, or deliver in-person to the DRC office in Michener L80.
Following DRC policies for testing will allow administration of exams to go as smoothly as possible. For any questions regarding these policies, please call the front desk.
Faculty and staff may email exams to DRC@rf518.com or deliver them to our office.